Every Christmas, every Easter, every Passover, every Independence Day, every major holiday has its origin story. And this story is told year after year on the sacred day. The birth of Christ, the Resurrection, the signing of the Declaration of Independence — each of these events marked a turning point in the history of humankind. 420 is no different.
Pot, too, has a holiday. Whether or not an outsider considers it of less importance than a religious holiday is irrelevant. The annual holiday was set long ago — April 20th (4/20). And the story of the origin of the holiday will be told year after year after year for many decades or possibly even centuries to come.
For many marijuana enthusiasts, weed is a religion — or at the very least a rebellion. Marijuana symbolizes the continuing fight for liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all mankind on God’s Green Earth.
And like many religions, the faithful carry on their business in secret, out of sight of law enforcement and potential whistleblowers (aka narcs).
Like the apostles and evangelists of old, marijuana users have…Read Full Article Here