Rotunda Rumblings
When they go low, we get high: Laura Hancock visited a marijuana dispensary in Monroe, Michigan, 25 minutes from Toledo, to get a picture of how recreational sales will look in Ohio. Michigan’s market is more mature than Ohio’s, which will give it a price advantage, at least in the beginning. Monroe only has 21,000 residents yet there are 18 dispensaries, and it’s a question how many will survive over the long term. Michigan’s regulations allow for a better customer experience because people can examine marijuana before buying it. Ohio only allows smells of sample in jars.
Wanting out: Lobbyist and former Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges made arguments to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals seeking his release from a five-year prison sentence. As Jake Zuckerman reports, Borges argued he was a private actor who did nothing wrong, as opposed to some of the public officials accused of taking bribes from FirstEnergy Corp.
Not backing down: U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, a Champaign County Republican, suffered a setback when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to halt the Biden administration’s efforts to tamp down on misinformation by pressing social media platforms, a case to which Jordan and other lawmakers submitted a