Florida Chamber of Commerce Lauches Anti-Cannabis Legalization Website

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has launched a website opposing Amendment 3 – which if approved by voters would legalize adult-use cannabis in the state. The website, flbizagainsta3.com, opens with a YouTube video of Chamber President and CEO Mark Wilson arguing against the reforms.    

“Just like pregnant pigs had no place in our state constitution decades ago, legalizing drugs should not be rammed into our foundational document just because one company can dump $100 million into an ad campaign. The risks far outweigh any potential benefits, and we urge all Floridians to stand with us in opposing this dangerous amendment.” — Wilson, in the video 

The site also includes anti-legalization rhetoric from state officials, including Department of Corrections Secretary Ricky Dixon and State Attorney Larry Basford, along with members of city chambers of commerce.  

The campaign to enact the reforms is the most expensive cannabis legalization campaign since 2010, with supporters and opponents of Amendment 3 raising a combined $105.08 million by the end of September, according to a Ballotpedia review. The totals surpass the funds raised in California during the 2016 election cycle when Proposition 64 was on the

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