Poll: 66% of Florida Voters Support Cannabis Legalization Amendment

Two-thirds of Florida voters said they will support Amendment 3, the state’s constitutional amendment to legalize adult-use cannabis, when it appears on the ballot in just under two weeks, according to a recent poll. Conducted by the University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab (PORL), the poll found 66% voter support for legalization, 30% of voters in opposition, and 4% who said they were undecided.

If passed, Amendment 3 would legalize the possession of up to 3 ounces of cannabis flower for adults aged 21 or older. As a constitutional amendment, the issue requires at least 60% voter support to pass.

“After years of polling on marijuana in Florida, both medical and recreational, it is clear that the majority is in favor of legalization. Closing in on election day, despite some heavy campaigning, we’re seeing support for this amendment and is on track to exceed the 60% supermajority required to pass.” — Dr. Michael Binder, PORL faculty director and UNF professor of political science, in a statement

“This poll is another welcome reminder that Amendment 3 is expansively supported and widely seen as the best path forward for Florida,” Smart & Safe Florida spokesperson Morgan Hill said in a

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