Survey: 94% of Germans Who Consumed Cannabis Did So for Medical Reasons

According to a survey from Germany-based medical cannabis company Bloomwell GmBh, 94% of respondents that consumed cannabis did so for at least one medical or health reason. The most common reason cited by respondents for consuming cannabis was for stress relief (about 60%), followed by sleeping disorders (50.4%) and pain relief (35%). 

However, just 10% of respondents said they had acquired cannabis exclusively from licensed pharmacies within the past year, while the vast majority – 79.6% – said they have had negative experiences with the unlicensed market.   

In a statement, Niklas Kouparanis, Co-Founder and CEO, Bloomwell Group GmbH, the holding company for Bloomwell Gmbh, said the survey response illustrates the “immense potential and room for growth of the country’s rapidly expanding medical cannabis industry following the implementation of the Cannabis Act on April 1, 2024, which rescheduled cannabis as a non-narcotic.” He added that according to the data, “more than 20 million people in Germany could benefit from access to medical cannabis therapy.”    

The survey found that 30.9% reported purchasing cannabis that was of poor quality, 29% were afraid that illegally acquired cannabis will have a negative impact on their own health, 39.7 % are afraid

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