The decision came after one year of deliberation when the policy was resoundingly voter-approved at the ballot. The initiative was then ruled invalid by the Supreme Court for procedural reasons. This move was countered by lawmakers who subsequently placed it in the hands of the legislation.
The governor was vocal in his support of medical marijuana when he stated that “no doubt that there are individuals in our state who could do significantly better if they had access to medically prescribed doses of cannabis.”
However, Gov. Reeves seems to draw the line when considering a recreational cannabis program and shared his concerns when he claimed that a recreational marijuana program “could lead to more people smoking and fewer people working, with all of the societal and family ills that that brings.”
As we explained earlier in the year, Reeves balked at the projected purchase limits included in earlier iterations and even threatened to veto the measure. The bill was amended and cleared by both chambers and was ultimately signed by the….