Canal Fulton City Council discusses cannabis dispensaries – Canton Repository

Canal Fulton City Council

Tuesday meeting

KEY ACTION: Discussed recreational cannabis dispensaries in the city.

DISCUSSION: Although there are no marijuana dispensaries in the city, there have been some inquiries about locating one in Canal Fulton. Even though voters have approved a ballot initiative legalizing recreational marijuana in Ohio, many communities have passed legislation either prohibiting dispensaries or placing a six-month moratorium on them while city councils and boards of trustees further discuss the issue. While Canal Fulton’s council did not take a formal vote on permitting or prohibiting the dispensaries, discussion revealed that a majority of council members would approve locating a dispensary in the city. In favor were council members Eric Whittington, Jeanann VandenBerg, Scott Svab and Doug Morgan. Opposed were Sue Mayberry and Mark Cozy. Arguments in favor of the dispensaries included local access to marijuana for those suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, cancer and other painful conditions; increased revenue to the city; and controlled content of the drug vs. marijuana laced with deadly drugs. Council will continue to discuss the issue as information is collected from other local governments that have agreed to locate cannabis dispensaries in their communities.