Mansfield City Council opens door for recreational cannabis dispensaries – Richland Source

MANSFIELD — Jodie Perry wasn’t sure she wanted a recreational cannabis dispensary in Mansfield.

That’s why the mayor asked City Council in April to impose a six-month moratorium on such marijuana retail stores, dispensaries made possible by the passage of State Issue 2 seven months ago.

But after local lawmakers voted 5-3 on Tuesday night against the moratorium — opening the door for companies to seek state licensure for a dispensary in Mansfield — Perry said she is determined to make sure the city does it right.

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Voting against the moratorium were 1st Ward Councilwoman Laura Burns, 2nd Ward Councilwoman Cheryl Meier, 5th Ward Councilman Aurelio Diaz and At-large council members Stephanie Zader and David Falquette.

The three lawmakers voting in favor of the moratorium were Rev. El Akuchie (3rd Ward), Cynthia Daley (4th Ward) and Deborah Mount (6th Ward.)

The vote came three hours into a lengthy council session. The decision came after comments from 24 residents during the public participation portion, easily the biggest single-issue response since angry residents filled council chambers in February 2019 to complain about slow snow removal on city streets.

For those keeping score, 16 residents

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