Medical marijuana dispensaries gearing up for increase in customers on 4/20 – KATV

LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — Those people working in the medical marijuana industry say April 20, also known as 420, is their biggest day every year when it comes to sales.

The medical marijuana industry in Arkansas reached a new high in state sales in 2023, at $283 million.

That is according to a report from the Department of Finance and Administration.

Amy Dailey, Vice President of Marketing for Good Day Farm, a medical marijuana dispensary in Little Rock, said she agrees.

There are 38 medical marijuana dispensaries across the state, including Good Day Farm, are already gearing up for that predicted influx of people.

“The numbers have increased year over year and it has just been really great to open more dispensaries and be able to bring more products to Arkansas,” Dailey said.

“It definitely is our largest sales day,” Dailey said. “We do tons of promotions, different products that we introduce into the market for this day in particular so that we are able to give back to our patients in what they would like to see during this holiday.”

Scott Hardin, Spokesperson for the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission, said consumers spent $2.4 million on medical marijuana products across the state on April 20.

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