Republican-led medical marijuana legalization plan would create five state-run dispensaries – WXPR

A new Republican-led plan could establish five state-run dispensaries around Wisconsin for medical marijuana patients with select conditions.

Wisconsin is one of the few states that has not legalized medical marijuana.

38 states, over 75% of the country, have legalized cannabis for medical purposes.

There’s mass support for change.

A 2019 Marquette University Law School poll found that 83% of those surveyed agreed that medical marijuana with a doctor’s prescription should be legalized.

Now, Wisconsin Republicans have introduced a limited legalization plan that would establish five state-run dispensaries for patients with severe conditions.

They highlighted cancer, seizures, glaucoma, severe chronic pain, and other debilitating conditions.

Only non-smokable forms are allowed- think gummies, oils, pills, or even formulations via nebulizers, but not vapes.

Representative Pat Snyder (R-Schofield) is a Republican in the Wisconsin State Legislature representing the Schofield area.

He explained that only diagnosed patients with one of at least 15 conditions will qualify for medical marijuana.

“We’re not going to see a large population run towards this, but it is a group of folks that want different methods of trying to be able to find some kind of relief in the illnesses and other chronic situations they have,” he said.

They plan on opening five state run medical marijuana dispensaries, the

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