What to know when buying recreational marijuana; 4/20 deals in Gardner – The Gardner News

For marijuana enthusiasts, advocates, and occasional partakers, Saturday, April 20, is a day to celebrate the cannabis plant and culture.

While the festivities seem to be a day filled with marijuana consumption, many advocates and dispensary owners see this as an opportunity to educate anyone who might be curious about cannabis.

There is no specific origin to how the yearly April 20 festivities began, but many stories have been passed down from generations of users. The most widely known origin story, according to the High Times, is the Legend of the Waldos, which dates back to 1971 at San Rafael High School in California

A group of five high school students, who called themselves the Waldos, would meet up after school at 4:20 p.m. every day to smoke “doobies” under the school statue of Louis Pasteur. The legend also said this group of friends would search for a mysterious cannabis field in the hills just outside town.