Bristow Police, OMMA conduct search warrant of dispensary for alleged illegal marijuana distribution – KOKI FOX 23 TULSA

BRISTOW, Okla. — After receiving numerous calls for months about the illegal distribution of marijuana at the Dank Dispensary, Bristow Police said they listened and on Wednesday after serving a search warrant, they acted upon those concerns.

“I can tell you we have loaded down two and a half SUV’s full,” Bristow Police Assistant Chief Kevin Webster said.

(Bristow Police Department Facebook)

Loads of marijuana taken out of Dank Dispensary located at 1st and Chestnut after Bristow Police said the dispensary was found to be in numerous violations.

“We’ve been getting reports for quite a while that they have been selling to unlicensed patients, minors and other persons,” Webster said.

Webster said they have been waiting to get a search warrant on the dispensary.

“The Bristow Police Department along with Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority and the District 24 Drug and Violent Task Force executed what started out as a compliance check, but became a search warrant here at the Dank Dispensary in Bristow,” Webster said.

Webster said they are still new to having medical marijuana in the state and are still learning how to deal with what comes with it.

“It will

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