Grading the Presidential Candidates on Cannabis: RFK Jr.

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Every election cycle, we grade the many of the presidential candidates based on their track record with cannabis (here’s our summary of 2020’s main candidates). We kicked off 2024 with our analysis of incumbent President Joe Biden (Grade C), and followed up with Republican challenger Ron DeSantis (Grade C+), who recently dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump. Most recently, we covered Nikki Haley (Grade B-), another longshot challenger who is still around.

Today, I want to do something a little unusual and look at an independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. RFK Jr. initially got in the race as a primary challenger to President Biden, but dropped out of the Democratic race in October to run as an independent.

Overall Grade: A-

RFK Jr. was a long-shot candidate from the start, as evidenced by his leaving the Democratic race in favor of an independent race. But when it comes to cannabis, is more willing to entertain massive overhauls to federal cannabis laws than Biden or Trump (almost guaranteed to be the Republican nominee). For that reason, I’m giving RFK. Jr. an A- on the cannabis scale. Here’s why:

RFK Jr.’s

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