MedMen cannabis dispensary is temporarily closed – Wednesday Journal

A sign on the door of Oak Park’s MedMen says the recreational cannabis dispensary is temporarily closed.  

“We apologize for any inconvenience and we hope to re-open soon,” the sign said. 

A sign on MedMen’s Oak Park location front door says the business is temporarily closed. Credit: Luzane Draughon

Branches of the California-based company have closed across the country, signaling it could be a matter of time before the Lake Street location reports it is permanently closed, too.  

MedMen did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 

The store began selling recreational marijuana in January 2020. That March, it received a cease and desist notice from the Village of Oak Park for failing to maintain social distancing requirements during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In February 2024, MJBizDaily, a news outlet for those in the recreational and medical cannabis industry, reported that 25 workers at the Oak Park location were cut.  

In March, the same organization reported that MedMen closed all of its locations except two in California. One is in San Diego and the other is near Los Angeles International Airport, according to the article. 

Oak Park officials could not confirm if the store

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