Ohio Adult Use Recreational Cannabis Push 2023

After legalizing medical marijuana in 2016, the state of Ohio could soon become an adult-use market, now that local organizers have collected enough signatures to secure recreational cannabis’s spot on the upcoming November ballot.  The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol broke local news headlines after announcing, in early July, that they had already collected an unprecedented 222,000 signatures in support of the initiative, and required only 679 more to include the issue in the upcoming municipal election.

The Coalition was granted an extension, and just days before the August 4th deadline, they announced that they had gathered “more than enough signatures” to achieve their goal: “Today, our Coalition submitted 6,545 additional signatures to the Ohio Secretary of State, well above the 679 left to get on the ballot this November.”

The Coalition has pushed residents and lawmakers to incorporate their petition since January 2022, and the carefully-crafted proposal is modeled off of successful recreational marijuana programs in other legalized states, while incorporating the existing regulatory framework in place for the Ohio’s medical dispensaries. The Coalition’s goal is to transform Ohio into an adult use market in which any resident, aged 21 and older, can simply “walk into” a dispensary and purchase…

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