Vancouver city council to vote on mushroom dispensary regulation – CityNews Vancouver

Activist Dana Larsen says he’s approaching Vancouver city council’s Wednesday meeting with cautious optimism, as a motion to regulate mushroom dispensaries in the city is set to be tabled.

The dispensary owner says he’s not sure the motion will pass, but regardless of the meeting outcome, he sees the regulation of these stores as inevitable.

“We went down this already with cannabis dispensaries,” he said.

“Pre-legalization and pre-licensing there was over 100 cannabis dispensaries operating in the city and Vancouver city council wisely decided to start licensing and regulating those dispensaries to try and get a grip on things in the years before legalization.”

The motion, to be tabled by Green Couns. Pete Fry and Adriane Carr, would see magic mushroom dispensaries given similar licences the city gave illicit cannabis shops back in 2015.

As it stands, there are several unregulated stores already operating in Vancouver. Larsen says after a decision by city council last month, his mushroom dispensary is the only one currently operating with a business license.

“The reality is, if Vancouver city council wants to get a grip and control over mushroom dispensaries, they need to license and regulate them. If this council doesn’t decide to do

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