Council takes first vote on rescinding Van Wert city law « The VW independent – Van Wert Independent

Law Director John Hatcher (left) talks about zoning for a marijuana facility while Council President Thad Eikenbary listens. Scott Truxell/VW independent

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Van Wert City Council took another step toward allowing a medical marijuana dispensary within the city limits, but it wasn’t unanimous.

During Wednesday night’s meeting, council members voted 6-1 during the first reading of two pieces of related legislation – a resolution that would rescind a previous ban of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city and an ordinance that would allow such a facility to locate in any B-3 zoned area of Van Wert. Repealing the ban not only would allow a medical marijuana dispensary to open in town but could also allow it to eventually sell recreational marijuana, which became legal statewide last November.

Councilwoman At-Large Judy Bowers cast the only “no” vote on both agenda items. She requested the legislation be tabled and said she heard from a couple of residents who were against a dispensary in the city, but council proceeded with the first reading. Also prior to the vote, a pair of citizens spoke out against rescinding the city’s current ban.

“Delphos already has a medical marijuana dispensary so it’s technically in

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