Can Marijuana Solve The Opioid Crisis in America – Part 1

Medical Marijuana and The Opioid Crisis

Opioid Crisis in America Overview

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), codeine, morphine, and many others. Opioids are strong painkillers and are usually prepared from opium. There are mild opioids, such as tramadol and codeine, and strong ones, like morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl. The abuse of opioids is very controversial because they cover illegal substances as well as prescription. In many states including Florida & Illinois, there are signs of an increase in the prescription of strong opioids.

Opioids work mainly on the opioid receptors, which are majorly found in the brain regions that are involved in pain regulation, the central nervous system and in the gastrointestinal tract. This is why opioid painkillers work as analgesic and euphoric drugs. Opioids block pain signals in the central nervous system and give a euphoric feeling to the user. In patients with chronic pain, a slight pain can trigger all the tendency to use opioids.

Heroin is the most used illegal opioid while fentanyl, morphine and oxycodone are some of the most abused prescription drugs. Oxycodone has the same chemical compositions with morphine and heroin. It also provides a short-term relieve for chronic pain patients. Before now, oxycodone was mainly used for terminal cancer patients but in recent years, its use has rapidly increased. Oxycodone has a major dark side. Some health professionals believe if you take it as a painkiller for more than thirty days, the chances are that you will become addicted to it.

According to a University of Wisconsin study, since the end of the nineties, the use of these opioids has increased significantly worldwide. For example, the morphine in the US increased from about 70 mg per person in 1990 to 701 mg per person per year in 2014. In Europe these numbers are lower, but increase at the same rate: from 6 to 34 mg in 1990 to 214 to 485 mg per person in 2014.

Opioid Crisis in America

The Statistics are Alarming

Presently, opioid painkillers are the most commonly prescribed group of analgesics in the US. The numbers of opioids addicts are rising and one third of the total number of deaths from overdose is due to opioid painkillers. The consequences of the epidemic for American society are enormous, starting with health care. Hospitals complain that their emergency aid is becoming overloaded, and the re-use of….READ MORE HERE

Marijuana Approved as An Opioid Alternative by The Governor of Illinois

Approval of Marijuana as An Opioid Alternative by The Governor of Illinois

A few weeks ago, the governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, enacted a law that will allow the use of medical marijuana instead of prescription painkillers, a measure that seeks to combat the opioids epidemic that killed thousands of people in the United States. Rauner said the law will give an alternative to those who need to control pain and struggle with the negative side effects of opioids, including dangerous addiction

This new law allows the purchase of medical marijuana in authorized dispensaries, with the sole prescription of a doctor, without having to go through fingerprinting and other criminal background checks that are carried out today to other consumers.

Medical marijuana supporters see this law as a significant step in the right direction and a big win in favor of their advocacy for pain management that doesn’t have any potential for a deadly overdose. r. Medical marijuana began to be marketed in Illinois in 2015, in a pilot scheme that includes dispensaries and crops controlled by the state government and that expires in mid-2020.

In the state, there are currently 43 diseases treatable with marijuana including cancer, AIDS, rheumatic arthritis, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Under the law, a person can be prescribed by their personal physician no more than 2.5 ounces (70 grams) of marijuana every two weeks.

It is estimated that there are currently more than 37,000 users of medical marijuana in Illinois compared with about 8 million opioids prescriptions patients.


How To Use Medical Marijuana For Anxiety – MedCard

Does Medical Marijuana Reduce or Increase Anxiety? That Depends.

Feeling stressed out and anxious? Cannabis may or may not be just what the doctor ordered. Reducing anxiety and relieving stress are two of the top reasons given by Florida patients requesting medical marijuana cards. Some patients swear by cannabis as a way to treat anxiety disorders such as GAD, OCD, PTSD, and panic attacks, however others claim that marijuana gives them feelings of paranoia and increases anxiety. How can medical marijuana have one effect on some people and a different effect on others?

The Entourage Effect

Unlike most prescription medications, the effects of cannabis are not due to a single active ingredient. Cannabis is a very complex plant which produces a variety of active ingredients, most notably cannabinoids and terpenes. The balance of these compounds often determines the effects of a particular strain. Certain cannabinoids and terpenes are known to reduce anxiety and improve mood. The overall effect produced by any particular strain of cannabis is known as the entourage effect. But that’s not the entire story.

Cannabis is Biphasic

Cannabis, as a drug, is considered to be biphasic. What that means is that it has different effects depending on the dosage. A perfect example of a biphasic drug is alcohol. In small doses alcohol can increase energy and sociability, but in large doses it’s a powerful depressant and can knock a person out for hours.

The same is true with cannabis and anxiety. Certain strains, in small doses will relieve anxiety. However, taken in larger doses, many users report severe feelings of paranoia.

The Role of Hormones and Neurotransmitters

When our brains perceive danger, they release a variety of hormones and neurotransmitters to prepare us…..


Support Is Building For Recreational Marijuana Legalization in Texas – Bud Digest

“I don’t believe that when God made marijuana, he made a mistake that government needs to fix.”

Recreational Weed Legalization in Texas

In 2015 a state representative by the name of David Simpson proposed a bill which would have legalized recreational weed in Texas. Simpson’s argument, simple, “I don’t believe that when God made marijuana, he made a mistake that government needs to fix.”

Although Texas lawmakers failed to pass marijuana legislation in 2017, support for legal cannabis seems to be building in the state. Advocates are optimistic that changes will come at the state’s next legislative session in 2019. Both political parties show support for reform of marijuana laws in their platforms.

At the recent GOP convention attendees approved a plank supporting “a change in the law to make it a civil, and not a criminal, offense for legal adults only to possess one ounce or less of marijuana for personal use.” Democrats also tweaked their platform to support full, statewide legalization. And democratic candidate for governor Lupe Valdez favors decriminalization and a serious discussion on full legalization.

How To Get Medical CBD Cannabis In Texas – 2018

5 Pounds of Marijuana Donated to a Florida Thrift Store – Bud Digest

Four bags of vacuum-sealed marijuana turned up inside a tote bag near the clothing drop-off area outside the store, officials with the Sarasota Police Department told Fox 13.

Employees at the Pines Thrift Store in Sarasota, Florida, are curious after finding nearly 5 pounds of marijuana outside the shop last week.

The cops were called after an employee opened the bag and saw marijuana in the pouch.

The pot weighed about 4.7 pounds and is worth an estimated $5,400, ABC News reported.

To date, no arrests have been made, according to Fox 13, however, the Sarasota Police Department sent the bags off for testing to find the source if possible. The surveillance footage of the area is also being checked to help them in their investigation.